Alp Beck lives in New York City. She writes in all genres but prefers horror. Her essays have been featured in the New York Times and the NY Blade. She is a big fan of the short story format and believes, "When you master the art of the short story, only then are you ready to tackle novels". She will continue to write in the format until she gets it right.
Read her stories here:
Hell's Grannies: Kickass Tales of the Crone
Lafcadio Press
edited by
James Chambers, April Grey, Robert Masterson
edited by
Lafcadio Press
edited by
James Chambers and Carol Gysander
Coming July 1st, 2022 wherever you get your books.
Coming soon:
THE UNDERRIDE with co-author Laurie Jones.
Writing has never been optional for Alp. Like eating and breathing, it’s something integral to her existence. She's grateful to be able to entertain her readers.
It wasn’t easy getting her first break in publishing. Fortunately, a close friend and saw her potential and that was the beginning of the first chapter of their professional literary life. Since then, Alp Beck has published a number of short stories.

Coming Soon...

Ray Bradbury
"I don't believe in being serious about anything. I think life is too serious to be taken seriously."